Understanding the importance of XI
XI is an Integration technology and Platform
For integrating SAP systems with Non SAP systems
For integrating A2A and B2B applications
For synchronous and asynchronous exchange of messages
For cross component Business Process Management
To understand XI let us see the following topics
Need for Middleware
Common definition is that middleware is the "glue" between software components or between software and the network or it is the slash in Client/Server.
• This is about those forms of middleware that are used to connect applications to other applications. We generally refer to the use of this type of middleware as Enterprise Application Integration or EAI. EAI middleware mediates between applications in a number of ways, but most commonly we think in terms of the transformation and routing of data and the orchestration of business process flows.
• There is the implication here that these applications reside in a heterogeneous world--different operating platforms, disparate data models and data stores, and heterogeneous network and communications protocols.
Overview of XI
Success of XI over Other Commercial EAI tools:
• Reduced maintenance costs: As the client replaced multiple integration technologies with SAP XI, it gained immediate cost savings by reducing associated maintenance costs. Additionally, the client gained the capability to utilize its manpower more effectively.
• Enhanced message monitoring functionality: As SAP XI provides auto handling of persistence of messages, it has enabled the client to monitor and restart failed messages. This has also eliminated the possibility of redundant/duplicate data into the system along with related efforts to identify the same. As all messaging is routed through one system, the client needs to monitor only SAP XI instead of having to monitor four systems: (Web Application system, XML parser application, VB based application) in the existing set up
• Enhanced flexibility: The ability to modify applications and add new functionalities without impacting other systems and businesses gave the client tremendous flexibility in reacting to dynamic changes in the market.
• Standardizes on the technology integration layer that would be used for connectivity between all systems
• Eliminate the need for “point-to-point” connectivity between systems
• Achieve a central monitoring of message flow, instead of having to monitor several systems
Enterprise IT motto
• Yesterday
Most conventional or traditional enterprise applications were custom built to address a specific business need.
• Today
The present advanced enterprise application’s addresses multiple business tasks, with each landscape having a higher degree of heterogeneous complexity.
• Difference in picture : Middleware/EAI
Integration solutions enable many applications/companies to create a ‘single view’ of all their enterprise data and an infrastructure ensuring that applications can exchange and update business central data, no matter where it resides.