Is there a trial version available for the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

Is there a trial version available for the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

Yes. The Enterprise Services Repository is currently available for download in the SAP Developer Network (SDN). It is bundled with some sample artifacts to jumpstart the adoption. However, please note that the ES Repository needs to be deployed on a SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment server.

The Services Registry is pre-delivered with the trial version of SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment server, which is available here.

What types of metadata does the Services Registry store?

What types of metadata does the Services Registry store?

Service Definition - A service definition provides information about a published service available in your system landscape.
A service definition can describe a service interface modeled in the ES Repository. The service interface structure and the data types it uses can be downloaded in a standard way from the ES Repository through a port-type WSDL document.
A service definition can also be an implemented service on a backend/provider system. Its description can be accessed through a WSDL file located on the provider system.
A service definition can also contain a runtime configuration, which means it is ready to be called by a consumer. This type of service definition is referred to as having a Service Endpoint.
The different types of service definitions are distinguished by the ‘State' property as modeled, activated/deployed and configured.
The service definition can have design-time classification data such as deployment units, process components, business scenarios.

System - System informs you about technical details of the physical system that provides a service. You can search service definitions by (provider) systems.
Note: different clients of ABAP systems are treated as different providers, the client information is displayed along with the system name.

ServiceGroup - The ServiceGroup is a design time entity that indicates that services are potentially used in consuming applications. It contains Service References to the services to be consumed by this ServiceGroup. For each service definition you can find information about the ServiceGroup on the Where Used tab. ServiceGroups are used for automatically configuring the relationship between service providers and service consumers.
Note: with the current version of Services Registry, you can not yet leverage ServiceGroups to track the relationship between consumers and configured services. The information only refers to design-time data, i.e. potential consumers.

Permission - Permissions defined in the Services Registry by an administrator assign User Managament Engine (UME) roles to classifications. Permissions allow the administrator to define different user-specific views on the Services Registry.

Are there technical prerequisites (other SAP products, NetWeaver) to use the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

Are there technical prerequisites (other SAP products, NetWeaver) to use the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

The Enterprise Services Repository and Registry is a server-based application and is closely integrated with the SAP Java Web Application Server (Web AS Java). Today, it is delivered as part of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration and SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment, which include all the technical prerequisites required by the Enterprise Services Repository (including the Java Application Server).

Enterprise Services Repository has a Swing-based UI that uses Java Web start. Therefore you require support to run Java applications in the client system to start the UI.

What types of metadata does ES Repository store?

Enterprise Services Repository supports the following artifacts:

In addition to the artifacts that you can model within the Enterprise Services Repository, you can also maintain other artifacts such as XSD, WSDLs, and RFCs as External Definitions.

What can I do with the Enterprise Services Repository?

What can I do with the Enterprise Services Repository?

The Enterprise Services Repository supports four key usage scenarios:

Service Provisioning - the Enterprise Services Repository provides unparalleled support for modeling services. Users can define all artifacts from Service Interfaces to individual Data Types and reuse artifacts at all levels.
The ES Repository is delivered with pre-defined Global Data types, basic building blocks created out of SAP's methodology, which provide a foundation for defining your services.

Process Visibility - in addition to service artifacts, ES Repository supports the definition of high-level models such as Process Component models and scenario models that help contextualize the services that are delivered. For instance, the Enterprise Services delivered by SAP are delivered with the high-level models that help a user drill down to services from a high level overview and perform extensive gap analysis.

Process Integration - ES Repository provides support for classical A2A and B2B integration scenarios. This includes support for defining message mapping and executable business processes in an interactive graphical modeling environment.

Consumption - the Services Registry provides support for publishing, discovering, and managing services. Users can search services using keyword search and based-on classification. The Services Registry is pre-delivered with industry classifications which can be used to classify services. In addition to this, users can extend the classification metamodel based on their needs.
Across all these scenarios, ES Repository provides support for Design Time Governance, Unified Lifecycle Management, and Support for widely-accepted standards.

What can I do with the Services Registry?

What can I do with the Services Registry?

  • As a Web service provider you can publish Web services to the Services Registry.
  • As a Web service consumer you can search for and find Web services for consumption.
  • You can manage your classification systems in the Services Registry.
  • You can manage third-party Web services and classify them to provide them for consumption in your system landscape.
  • You can test your Web services.

How is the Enterprise Services Repository different from the Services Registry?

How is the Enterprise Services Repository different from the Services Registry?

The Enterprise Services Repository is a design time repository that provides rich modeling support. In other words, it provides the answers the question "What does my service do and what does it need?"
The Services Registry is a UDDI V3 compliant registry that supports publishing, classifying, and discovering services. It acts as a reference work for services and answers the question, "where are my services implemented?"

What is the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

What is the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

The Enterprise Services Repository and Registry is an integral part of SAP NetWeaver SOA infrastructure and serves as the central repository in which service interfaces and enterprise services are modeled and their metadata is stored.

It consists of:

  • Enterprise Services Repository (ES Repository) - the metadata repository of all service objects for enterprise SOA.

    Enterprise Services Repository provides an integrated toolset and repository for the governed definition of SOA assets (such as service interfaces and process component models). It thus provides transparency for designers and developers of solutions on top of platform applications into the business semantics exposed by enterprise services. It is open to manage non-SAP services (provided by customers and ISVs) in a customer landscape and thus serves as the single source of truth of a company's SOA-enabled IT landscape.
  • A UDDI v.3-compliant Services Registry - The Services Registry (SR) is a registry for Web services that is located centrally within an SOA landscape. The Services Registry contains information about services provided in that landscape, with references to the WSDL metadata relevant for those services and to the locations of the callable service endpoints.

    When using services, we distinguish between the service provider and the service consumer. In the simplest case, we can assume that the service provider - the person who provides the services - knows the service consumer and informs the latter where the services can be found. However, this contradicts the idea of a global service platform. What makes using Web services so attractive is the idea that applications can be built from the services that available in a central registry, in this case the Services Registry.

The ES Repository and Registry support widely-adopted open standards, including Web Services and UDDI. The ES Repository supports SAP-defined Global Data types based on the Core Component Technical Specification standards.

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Enterprise Services Repository and Registry - Introduction

# What is the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?
# How is the Enterprise Services Repository different from the Services Registry?
# What can I do with the Services Registry?
# What can I do with the Enterprise Services Repository?
# Are there technical prerequisites (other SAP products, NetWeaver) to use the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?
# What types of metadata does ES Repository store?
# What types of metadata does the Services Registry store?
# Is there a trial version available for the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry?

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Repository-based Modeling and Design FAQ's

Repository-based Modeling and Design FAQ's

Applies to:

  • SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1
  • SAP NetWeaver CE
  • SAP NetWeaver 7.0 > SPS13

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