Adapter Engine Lost

Adapter Engine Lost

Adapter Engine Lost

Sometimes when you have installed SAP Process Integration, the Adapter Engine Component doesn’t appear in the Runtime WorkBench.
I don’t know why, but in two installations that I made in clustered systems, the Adapter Engine did not appears in the Runtime Workbench.

It’s strange when you see that SAP J2EE Engine works correctly and the Adapter Engine component is wrong in Runtime Workbench application, that was my situación. I started to investigate what was the aplication where I could make the configuration for this issue and I found that all component setting were configured in CIM model aplication.
Fortunately, I had installed the development and quality systems and I could check how was configure the CIM model in those systems.
What happened in my production system? Nothing was configured !!!!!! All entries of Adapter Engine had dissapeared !!!!!
The solution was check the entries into development and quality system and create those entries in production system. This job is very boring but is the only solution that I know.
Now I tell us what options into the CIM model you must to create.
1. First, go to http://server:port/sld and click over CIM Instance options
2. Once into the application, choose this option
  • XI Remote Admin Service: In this part, there weren't anything option configured. We had to create AdminTool, Cache_Refresh, Runtime Check for af, Directory, Repository, and rwb SAP XIRemoteAdminServices.
  • XI Adapter Service: In this option I created all adapters for my production system, BC, CIDX, File, JDBC, JMS, Mail, MarketPlace, RFC, RNIF, SOAP, WS, XI and XIRA XIAdapterService.
  • Finally I had to configure the HTTP Service Port option creating severals services ports, Basic URLs, HTTP Service Port, Pipeline, Port for Admin Tool, JMS, MAIL, JDBC, Runtime Check af, Runtime Check Directory, Runtime Check Repository, Runtime Check rwb, SOAP, WS, XI, XIRA.

Proceed with caution when you make the relationship betwen the components, it is very important do it correctly.
When I finished the services creation into the CIM model I had to restart the SAP J2EE Engine and the Adapter Engine appeared in Runtime Workbench with green colour.
There are one note (Note 764176 - Error in XI due to inconsistent SLDcontents) where it described a similar problem with other solution.

SAP Developer Network SAP Weblogs: SAP Process Integration (PI)