Maintain PI 7.1 Adapter Modules in NWDI

Maintain PI 7.1 Adapter Modules in NWDI

As NWDI get's more powerful I try to use it for an increasing number of projects. In that spirit I've picked up the topic of putting PI Adapters and Modules under NWDI-control again and digged through the available SCs.

The good message: One can easily develop PI Modules in NWDI, the only thing needed are the right dependencies. Here's a brief walkthrough:

Set up the NWDI-Project

  • add the SC SAP_XIAF to your track. I used SAPXIAF06P_7-20001975.SCA, if you know whether this guide also works on 3.0, 7.0 and 7.11 components please add a comment
  • create a new J2EE/EJB Module, remember to set the Java EE Version to 1.4
  • create a new J2EE/Enterprise Application, remember to set the Java EE Version to 1.4 and reference the module
  • add references to the SC SAP_XIAF:

  1. for the Message-Interfaces
  2. for the Module-Interfaces
SAP_XIAF references

  • for facilitating the logging api you might also want to reference

  1. tc/bl/logging/api

ENGFACADE references

Alltogether the module's references should look like this:

all needed references

  • Also add those references to the Enterprise Application DC, don't forget to set the deploy time & run time reference hooks

deploy & runtime references

Develop the module

Now you're all set up and ready to go. Create an EJB 2.1 Stateless Session Bean implementing

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see,
public ModuleData process(ModuleContext ctx, ModuleData md)
throws ModuleException {
final message;
final document;
final auditAccess;

try {
Object principalData = md.getPrincipalData();
message = ( principalData;
document = message.getDocument();
auditAccess =
"Everything is fine.");

document.setContent("important message".getBytes());

return md;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ModuleException("Cannot process message in module: " + e,


Remember you still need to set up ejb-jar.xml, ejb-j2ee-engine.xml and application-j2ee-engine.xml. Consult and the sample module for detailed documentation.

When you're done you can use shiny things like CBS and CMS for your new module.


  1. There is another blog you might want to have a look at by Alka Panday: "J2EE Adapter Module development using NWDI" describing how to expose the SAP libraries as external library DCs.
  2. If you know a more EJB3-like way to get a working module please drop me some lines.

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