Maintain PI 7.1 Adapter Modules in NWDI
As NWDI get's more powerful I try to use it for an increasing number of projects. In that spirit I've picked up the topic of putting PI Adapters and Modules under NWDI-control again and digged through the available SCs.
The good message: One can easily develop PI Modules in NWDI, the only thing needed are the right dependencies. Here's a brief walkthrough:
Set up the NWDI-Project
- add the SC SAP_XIAF to your track. I used SAPXIAF06P_7-20001975.SCA, if you know whether this guide also works on 3.0, 7.0 and 7.11 components please add a comment
- create a new J2EE/EJB Module, remember to set the Java EE Version to 1.4
- create a new J2EE/Enterprise Application, remember to set the Java EE Version to 1.4 and reference the module
- add references to the SC SAP_XIAF:
- for the Message-Interfaces
- for the Module-Interfaces
- for facilitating the logging api you might also want to reference
- tc/bl/logging/api
Alltogether the module's references should look like this:
- Also add those references to the Enterprise Application DC, don't forget to set the deploy time & run time reference hooks
Develop the module
Now you're all set up and ready to go. Create an EJB 2.1 Stateless Session Bean implementing
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, * */ public ModuleData process(ModuleContext ctx, ModuleData md) throws ModuleException { final message; final document; final auditAccess; try { Object principalData = md.getPrincipalData(); message = ( principalData; document = message.getDocument(); auditAccess = .getPublicAPIAccess().getAuditAccess(); auditAccess .addAuditLogEntry( message.getMessageKey(),, "Everything is fine."); document.setContent("important message".getBytes()); return md; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ModuleException("Cannot process message in module: " + e, e); } } |
Remember you still need to set up ejb-jar.xml, ejb-j2ee-engine.xml and application-j2ee-engine.xml. Consult and the sample module for detailed documentation.
When you're done you can use shiny things like CBS and CMS for your new module.
- There is another blog you might want to have a look at by Alka Panday: "J2EE Adapter Module development using NWDI" describing how to expose the SAP libraries as external library DCs.
- If you know a more EJB3-like way to get a working module please drop me some lines.