Collective Note: Configuration Wizard (SAP PI 7.1)


This note covers common information about the SAP Netweaver Configuration

Wizard and concerned Usage Type configuration for SAP Netweaver 7.1

More Terms

Cause and Prerequisites

Note: You cannot use the configuration wizard after

o Upgrade

o System copy

Before running the configuration wizard, install the latest available SPS

and patches with JSPM. You can find the latest LMCTC and LMCFG patch at -> Support Packages and Patches -> Search for

Support Packages and Patches. Search for "LMCTC*P & LMCFG*P (Example:

Search result: LMCFG04P_1 means for SPS04 first Patch).

The sequence is:

1. Install your system.

2. Install the latest SPS and patches (if available).

3. Run the configuration wizard.

You can run the configuration wizard only once for initial configuration.

(Exception: Configuration of Usage Type BI Java can be executed several


Remark: Even if you can re-execute the templates, this is not meant to

correct or change a misconfigured system and only to check if failed steps

can be executed again.

It is for example not possible to configure an PI integration server first

with local SLD and afterwards to reconfigure it with central SLD, this will

lead into errors.


Release-dependent information

NW 7.10 - Support Package Stack 4:

Usage Type PI

Distributed system only:

After running the configuration wizard, you need to change the hostname to

the one of the central service instances (SCS) in the PI exchange profile.

To do this, set the hostname to the hostname of the SCS in the following



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Collective Note: Configuration Wizard






For more information, see SAP Note 1004684.

Problem during PI CTC step: Importing XI content

Error messages:

"Connection to system Integration Builder using application CMS- Transport

lost". Response code is 500, response message is "Internal Server Error".

"internal lock has been set".

Solution: Check and adjust the ABAP profile parameter:

icm/server_port_0 =


For more information, see SAP Note 1004684.

Incomplete Registration of PI to SLD after automated configuration

After setup of PI 7.10 SP4, PI components may not be completely registered

in the System Landscape Directory (SLD).

To solve this issue, apply SAP Note 1117249.

Introduced a new option for BI configuration that switches off sld check,

if you use ssl (https) for your sld connection. Keep in mind if you switch

off sld check you have to create the JCo destinations manually.

NW 7.10 - Support Package Stack 6 - Patch 1 for LMCTC:

Fix for a bug (that was introduced with LMCFG patch 4) that you cannot

create RFC/JCo destinations (language paramter is missing)


NW 7.10 - Support Package Stack 6 - Patch 6 for LMCFG:

Remove annoying Warning message when starting Configuratzion Wizard.

NW 711 - Support Package Stack 1:

Usage Type DI

Distributed system only:

In case you have a distributed system installed, it is not possible to use

automatic configuration for Usage Type DI.

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Collective Note: Configuration Wizard


Header Data

SAP Note No.: 1107808

Note Language: English

Master Lang.: English

Version of Master Lang.: 11

Valid Since: 17.06.2009

Release Status: In Process

Released on: 17.06.2009 11:25:58

Released by: Ralf Reinhardt

Priority: Recommendations/additional info

Author: Ralf Reinhardt

Entered by: Ralf Reinhardt

Processed by: Ralf Reinhardt

Last Changed by: Ralf Reinhardt

On: 17.06.2009 11:26:05

Category: Program error

Standard Note: No

Main Component: BC-INS-CTC Central technical configuration

Valid Releases

Software Component Release From






LMCTC 7.10 7.10 7.11

Related Notes

Number Short Text

1315136 CTC: Changes in API's for BS_DOE_ERP_MDS

1298731 Additional information about implementation of SAPMDS 1.6

1180724 Release Restrictions for SAP EHP1 for SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1

1178800 Collective Note: Business Suite Connectivity Templates

1117249 Incomplete Registration of PI components in SLD

1004684 Abort of large content import and transport

966416 Inst. SAP NetWeaver based on Kernel 7.10 - Unix

965569 SAP NetWeaver Based On Kernel 7.10: Windows

923359 Collective Note: Configuration Wizard - Template Installer

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