SAP XI Interview Questions

How to Define Business System?

For defining Business Systems, the four important pieces of data are:
1.Business System Name (must be unique in the landscape).
2.Associated Technical System, and if the Business System will be used with IDOC interfaces, a Logical System Name. Note that multiple Business Systems can be defined off of a single technical system (for instance, each numbered client of an SAP system is a unique Business System). The logical system name is mandatory in case the Business system will act as a sender or receiver of IDocs. In this case it should match exactly the logical system name as defined in the SAP client (if the Business system is of type WebAS-ABAP). The IDoc adapter will make use of this entry to resolve a Business system name into an ALE logical system name and vice-versa.
3.The Software Products (and associated SWCV's) that are used by the Business System. The products are brought through from the Technical System definition; but for a particular Technical System, not all products will necessarily be associated with a particular Business System. For instance, you may install mySAP SRM and mySAP CRM solutions as separate clients on a single (technical) system; but the Business System definition for each would only include the appropriate product (SAP SRM or SAP CRM).
The Related Integration Server. Application systems are associated with particular Integration Servers, which makes change management in the XI landscape easier.
4.All of these settings can be defined in the Business System wizard.
1) Conversions (Look up relationship) :
Mapping editor in XI provides many default mapping functions like standard functions and constants. By using these function we can easily do as per our requirement. Conversions is one type of option in the mapping functions .In the fixed values and value mapping are the two options.
By using fixed values we can easily do look up relationships There is a table when we click on the fixed value tab. It contains value and key options. Value is source side field and maps the key value and send it to the destination. It is the best possible way to do value mapping when compared to WBI Interchange Server . In WBI we are using relationship container and relationship tables are created automatically after the deployment . We can use those tables to do static relationships.

Value Mapping :

An object can be represented in different ways in different contexts.
For example, a user (object) can be a customer in business system
A, but an employee in business system B.
we can use the value mapping function to map different representations of an object to each other. We can store the mapping rules for different objects in a value mapping table.

2)ABAP Proxy Generation :

Fault message types are designed for application-specific errors that occur on the inbound side and that are reported back to the sender or persisted in monitoring. First we should define message interface for the fault message.Once we have completed a message interfaces in Integration Repository Generate a proxy for use at runtime by using ABAP proxy generation. To handle the error,we first create a fault message type Fm in the Integration Repository that is referenced by both message interfaces. When we generate the proxies for the message interfaces, the exception classes FmException (Java) and CX_FM (ABAP) are generated. The proxy runtime generates a fault message from the exception class data that is sent to the sender. The exception for the exception class FmException is then triggered at the sender so that the error can be handled there.

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is part of the Java platform, providing applications based on Java technology with a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services. You can build powerful and portable directory-enabled applications using this industry standard.

3)Email Notification :

As part of the scope of the XI with the customer, e-mail capability was required for handling failed invoice acknowledgments. Invoice that were sent to the customer and failed to correctly update in the back-end system will send a return message to the XI system. The XI system will take the message and create from it an e-mail which will be sent to the customer service representative by using SendMail user defined function.
Importing JAVA Archives (.jar) files

It may become necessary to import a JAVA .jar file into XI. This is done using the Repository (Design) screen of the Integration Builder. Under the Software Component -> Namespace -> Mapping Objects area is the drop down list for Imported Archives. To create a new imported archive right click on Imported Archives and select New. Name the new archive as desired and click the Create button. To add a new .jar file to the archive program, select the Import Archive button from the group of button along the top of the right hand side window (the button has a green arrow over two pieces of paper). This will bring you to a browse menu where you may find and select your archive. Once you have highlighted the archive and selected save all of the corresponding class files will be imported into the screen (they will appear on the right hand side window). All .jar files required for normal mail communication are already available and do not need to be added to the imported archives list.
Creating the javamail.providers files

In order to make the mail functionality point at the correct provider a file needs to be added to the %JAVA_HOME% / jre / lib. The name of the file is javamail.providers and it needs to contain only the following line -

protocol=smtp; type=transport; class=com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport; vendor =Sun Microsystems, Inc;

This file is then placed on the server in the JAVA_HOME / jre / lib directory as described above

4)Message Mapping :

Designed by using the graphical mapping editor of Integration Builder
Design structure mapping between any 2 XML structures
Generates java source code and jar files to be used during runtime.
There are 3 ways message types can be assigned to the Message Mapping.
1. By using an existing object already created in the Integration Repository
(e.g. Message Type, External Definitions)
2. By using an RFC or IDoc meta data imported from SAP
3. By importing XML or XSD files from local file system

Test Case 1:

In message mapping , there are some mandatory fields present in the destination side. Each mandatory target field must be assigned to one or more source fields.
We should map those fields with the source structure fields. Mandatory fields are marked with the red color.
If all the mandatory fields are not mapped it is showing the following error.
"Un completed Mapping" and Mapping Unsuccessful.
For example Idoc contains some mandatory fields like IDOC type ,Message Type of the IDOC etc.

Test Case 2:

In message mapping, we can define user defined functions implemented in JAVA.
In user defined function corresponding imported packages or classes are mentioned in the appropriate user defined import section. If appropriate class is not present it is showing following error in the mapping testing.
"Class or Interface Excepted......"

Test Case 3:

While implementing the Send Mail user defined function(by using some of the classes like transport and send), we need to import two jar files (Mail.jar,Activex.jar) in the imported achieves in the Integration Repository. Other wise it is showing the following the error.
"At transport it is showing Wrong key word entered......"

Test Case 4:

In user defined functions There are two types of options simple type and advanced type user defined functions.
If a function has a return type , we should choose simple functions. Otherwise it is showing the following error.
"return type expected...."
If a function has no return type ,we can choose advanced function.

5) Interface Mapping:

An interface mapping specifies the corresponding mapping programs for request, response, or fault messages for a selected interface pair.
Ø we use an interface mapping to register mappings for an interface pair.
Ø we can also specify multiple mapping programs to be executed one after the other in the case of requests and responses for an interface mapping.
Ø we can also define multiple interface mappings for the same interface pair, to provide multiple variants in the repository. At configuration time, the customer can select the appropriate mapping using a mapping relation and save it in the Integration Directory.

Test Case 1:

In interface mapping , we have to select source and destination message interfaces which are define in the message interfaces. While using RFC or Idoc there is no need to create a message interface.We can select by using imported structure.
Because Idoc or RFC are having its own name spaces. If we select those interface basing on the message interfaces name space of Idoc or RFC will be changed.
If source and destination message interfaces are having same namespaces, we cannot find the interface mapping option in the Integration Directory.

Test Case2 :

In case of normal application like data base, file namespace of both the interfaces should be same.
Test case3 :
There are two types of interfaces called synchronous interfaces and asynchronous interfaces.In case of asynchronous communication source and destination interfaces are created with asynchronous option. In this type of communication we will get only request options. We don't have a response map and fault map.
We can implement multiple asynchronous interface message maps in a single interface map.

Test case4:

In case of synchronous communication ,We will get request ,response and fault map options. We can implement Request from source to destination and also implement response map from destination to source as a response and also implement fault map if we would get any errors. All applications cannot have all types of communications.
For example :Idoc can be used in asynchronous communication only and RFC's can be used in synchronous communication only.
We can implement multiple synchronous interface message maps in a single interface map.

5) User defined Functions :

In mapping there are user defined functions along with the default functions. This user defined function can be implemented in java language. There are two types of options simple type and advanced type user defined functions. When there is any return type of variable we should use simple functions. When there is no return type of variable we would use advanced user defined functions.

Cross referencing :

Cross referencing can be implemented by using user defined functions.We have to define one user defined functions module to maintain the cross referencing table. From user defined function We have to call the function module. This code can be written in Java.This is similar to Identity relationship in WBI. We are implementing with the relationship container in WBI.

Channel :

In order to communicate with the source and destination we should use channels. Once if we define a channel by giving parameters the adapter is always in running state. The adapter status can be seen in adapter engine which is component of run time work bench. The adapter shows green status if all the parameters are correct and always in the poll state and shows red status if at all any errors would have come and if adapter parameters are wrong.

Properties of the HTTP adapter, does it use or need a sender or receiver? Or communications channel agreement?


  1. What does a RFC adapter support? Is EOIO supported by RFC?
  2. What are advantages and why would you install a decentralize adapter engine?
  3. Comment on the following, adapter engine is also known as a PCK?
  4. What is the different monitoring status? Where do you find them?
  5. What adapters are not in adapter engine?
  6. Which ABAP proxy, in or outbound has code you can type in?
  7. With an optional node what is the cardinality?
  8. How do you make sure the subordinate's fields get mapped?
  9. What is it WSDL? Where do you find it in DR? Does Is used in Java or ABAP Proxy?
  10. In XI 3.0 Stack 9, what are the supported mapping types?
  11. What are prerequisites for importing customer defined IDOC?
  12. What are the three IDOC transactions in XI?
  13. Context object replace what?
  14. Two things can make up a collaboration agreement, what are they?
  15. What is a logical system, with respect to SLD?
  16. What is the sender communications channel?
  17. If error during inbound or outbound binding, where do you look to solve?
  18. What is URI, URL, and URN and what are their difference?
  19. To perform content based routing, two places it can be done, what are the two places?
  20. What is an integration process?
  21. Message Mapping, advanced user function, can you test for context changes, if yes how?
  22. What is multi-mapping? Where is it used? What are the advantages?
  23. What are the two XSLT tags, previously that could not be used in XI Why?
  24. Using a simple user defined function how can you send trace information to be monitored?
  25. What is function exists in message mapping?
  26. What Jar file is required to perform Java Mapping?
  27. What is context in message mapping?
  28. What is remove context and what is Split by Value?
  29. Source message occurs 3 times, target only once what is wrong?
  30. Java mapping class, which class must it implement?
  31. What is scope of mapping template?
  32. How does a Boolean function work in message mappings?
  33. Where can you use a user-defined function, scope?
  34. In simple mapping - one source results in 4 identical target messages, with regarding cardinality what is the problem?
  35. What is a prerequisite to do ABAP mapping for a complex transformation?
  36. What step can be inserted into an exception branch?
  37. Where can you find business process engine?
  38. What actions can you perform in SXICACHE?
  39. What is a wait step and why is it used?
  40. What is a block step and why is it used?
  41. How do you get an error condition to generate an alert?
  42. Could multiple instances of an integration process be running at the same time?
  43. If so, how does a message find its way to the correct instance?
  44. Which XI objects can be used in an integration process?
  45. What happens after an exception is raised in BPM?
  46. Send message within an integration process to 8 receivers at the same time, how can I do this?
  47. Describe the triggering of exceptions in BPM?
  48. What is a correlation and what is local correlation?
  49. Which steps can trigger an alert?
  50. What does a control step do?
  51. How does integration process kill itself?
  52. What are other possibilities?
  53. What are the 2 visibilities of container elements?
  54. What are the different types that a container element can be based on?
  55. Can container elements be based on dictionary structure MARA?
  56. What is the relationship between an integration process and business workflow?
  57. What is diff between XI 3.0 and PI 7.0?
  58. Parameters of JDBC, IDOC, RFC, FILE, FCC?
  59. What is correlation and Context object?
  60. Why IDOC do not need sender agreements and communication channel?
  61. Briefly explain about Ur scenario in Project?
  62. What is an Xpath?
  63. What are the mapping u have done?
  64. What is a proxy and Alert?
  65. What is BPM and where and why it is used?
  66. Can we do scenario without BPM how we can do it?
  67. What is synchronous and Asynchronous Communication?
  68. What is User defined functions and how to create it?
  69. What are predefined functions?
  70. How the BPM starts explain step wise?
  71. What is multiple mapping?
  72. Transaction code (very important)?
  73. Tell me how to handle the error in BPM (transaction to monitor the errors).
  74. If I have a sender and multiple receivers how do i send single sender to multiple receivers and also adv and disadv of BPM
    Can i import any number of idocs from R/3 and is there any way to get the idocs with importing from R/3
  75. If I have 100 files in a folder, if XI comes and picking the files from the folder, while picking 50 files connection was lost in between and they are remaining 50 files are there to pick, in this scenario what happens after connection established XI will collect remaining 50 files or again it starts from first.
  76. What is Persistence?
  77. What is SLD explain and difference between Technical system and business system and how do u assign it to IR and ID?
  78. Explain me about FCC?
  79. What is business system and business service?
  80. What is query and Queues?
  81. Difference between an RFC and BAPI?
  82. What are different design times components used by XI?
  83. What services does the integration server provide?
  84. What are the 4 functions does adapter framework provide?
  85. What is Java webstart and why is it used?
  86. What are the different XI components?
  87. What is XI domain?
  88. What is XI pipeline and what is a pipeline service?
  89. Describe the alert functionality of the runtime workbench?
  90. Name different monitoring functions of the runtime workbench?
  91. Web application server 6.2 has an integration engine. Why is this so?
  92. In BPM Async-Sync Bridge, does the QOS change?
  93. List 4 ways to enable logging / trace?
  94. What is logging / trace? Properties of an Async message?
  95. Inbound XI message has problem, where do you look for solution?
  96. Describe XI message format?
  97. Describe end-end monitoring?
  98. In XI 3.0 where do you configure adapters?
  99. Different steps to make an IDOC adapter work?
  100. What is a mail adapter?
  101. JMS adapter can talk with what type of systems?
  102. What format can JDBC adapter communicate in? If communications with JDBC using XML format, what are 4 actions you could do?
  103. Installing PCK what platforms can you install it on?
  104. How does PCK and adapter framework engine differ?
  105. Can JDBC adapter query DB tables?
  106. JMS adapter scenario messaging system provider needs to submit what?
  107. What are the properties of receiving IDOC adapter?
  108. JDBC/JMS require certain steps before they can work?
  109. Properties of the PCK who developed it? What is it similar too?
  110. Does it support B2B?
  111. What is ALE audit with respect to IDOCS?


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