Creating SAX output for Java mapping

Creating SAX output for Java mapping
I have created a SAX parser for parsing my document, which is fairly easy.

I would like to create a document in may mapping using the SAX document creation. I'm just unable to find any documentation on how the SAX document can be created.

Can you help with how I can construct the SAX document in Java.

This is a very good blog where u can have an idea of how Java Mapping is done using SAX parser.

Some more stuff for Java Mapping-DOM and SAX:

You need to create a java mapping for this. Check the blog of Stefan on how to write the code for fetching the complete payload.

Then you can use your SAX parser(which you have developed). Make sure you have added to the project folder when you create the java mapping

What do you mean by constructing SAX Dcoument??SAX Parcer parse the document ,if you want define output required format you need write a java mapping such a way.

I found Thorstens blog very helpful, it containe the information needed to create a document using SAX

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