Thanks to all contributors for these questions. If you have more questions to share, mail us at thomasv(at)
I-->Steps required for configuring a scenario
1. Interface Determination-- RB_SPLIT and RB_CLASSIC, Conditional Interface
2. Receiver Determination -- Conditional Receiver Determination
3. Sender / Receiver Agreement-- Why don’t IDOC and HTTP has a sender agreement,
Flow of how XI determines the configuration scenario
II-->Types of mapping
1. Types of Java Mapping -- DOM and SAX Parser. Advantages and Disadvantages.
2. XSLT mapping
3. Graphical Mapping
III-->Question on context change, standard functions in XI etc.
IV-->Question on adapters
1. Which adapters run on j2ee engine and which run on ABAP stack?
2. Use of each adapter
V-->Questions on Content conversion
1. How and why is content conversion performed?
VI-->Questions on BPM and the step types in BPM.
1. Correlation
2. Synch/asynch bridge
3. Collect pattern.
4. for each and par for each in a block
5. Send synchronously and asynchronously.
6. Step types in BPM.
VII-->Questions on ALERTS.
1. How do u define Alert Category, rules, etc.
2. How do you test an Alert?
3. Alerts in a BPM
VIII-->Architecture of XI
1. How and what are the stacks available in XI
2. Need for datatype, message type, message interface, message mapping, interface
mapping, etc.
3. Synch/ Asynch/ outbound/inbound/ abstract interfaces, etc.
IX-->How do you monitor your messages in XI.
X-->What is the difference between the monitoring done on the RunTimeWorkBench
and the one done using SXMB_MONI.
XI-->What is End to End Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Cache Montioring etc.
XII-->What is a Business System, Technical System, Logical System, and other questions
related to the System Landscape Directory (SLD ).
XIII-->What is IB?
XIV-->What scenarios have you worked on?
XV-->How is XML connected to BW/SRM? What adapters will you use to orders coming
via Web?
XVI-->What is IS, where does the IR, ID reside?
XVII-->What does the cache hold?
The possible interview question topics will be mostly from
2.Business process Management
3.System Landscape Directory
4.Integration builder
SAP XI certification questions, sample sap xi certification papers.