This tutorial describes about the different parameter settings for the inbound and outbound use of File adapter, IDOC adapter, HTTP adapter and SOAP adapter.

Parameters   for   the   outbound   file   adapter
The mandatory fields have a star sign on top
Communication channel and service has the name as provided by user.
The transport protocol has other value FTP(File transfer protocol).
Message protocol has other  field called file content conversion.
Parameters  for   the  Inbound   File  adapter 

Parameters  for   the  outbound   IDOC   adapter
Parameters for the Inbound IDOC adapter
The interface version has another field value called  SAP release 3.0/3.1 other than the one shown in the screen shot.
The   parameters   for   the    Outbound   HTTP   adapter
In the below screen shot we can also select the following values for the  HTTP security level

  1. HTTPS without client authentication

  2. HTTPS with client Authentication

The    parameter    for   the    inbound    HTTP    adapter

If we are using HTTP destination as the Addressing type then we need to  have only following details where HTTP destination is the most important parameter to be noted

Parameters for the soap outbound adapter

The transport protocol can be  servlet  or  task.
In the  above  screen shot we can also select the following values for the  HTTP security level

  1. HTTPS without client authentication

  2. HTTPS with client Authentication

Quality of service can be Best Effort,Exactly once or Exactly once in order.
Parameters for the SOAP Inbound adapter

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