SAP XI tutorials, SAP XI resources and SAP XI certification, TBIT 40,41,42,43,44,51 and other resources for SAP XI/PI certification and self study.

System Landscape Directory: System Landscape Directory is the place where you register the meta data about integration systems in the landscape. You create software components, products, technical and business systems. Integration Repository uses the details of software component created here as a shipment unit for developing the message interfaces and mapping objects etc. Integration Directory uses the details of business systems for configuring the adapters and technical routing.

Objectives: After this tutorial you will master
1. How to create a product
2. How to define a software component
3. How to create technical and business systems
4. How to import Software component version into IR.

Step 1: Login into XI
» Login into the SAP XI server using the logon pad.
» Type “sxmb_ifr” transaction code to launch the Integration Builder. sap-xi-sld
» Page will popup showing the first screen of the integration Builder which looks similar to this.

Step 2: System Landscape Directory
» Click on the “System Landscape Directory” link.
» This will open up the first screen of the SLD (System Landscape Directory). Here we are going to define our Product, Software Component, Technical System and Business System.

Step 3: System Landscape Directory - Define a Product
» First step is to define a Product. For that, click on “Software Catalog” link.
3 » Click on “New Product” Button to create a Product.
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» Now define the Product as per the inputs and click on “Create” button.

You have created a Product successfully.
Step 4: System Landscape Directory - Define a Software Component
Next step is to create a Software Component. To make the life easier XI automatically takes u to the Software Component page and by default it will select the Product that you have created.
» Now define the Software Component as per the inputs and click on “Create” button.

» Fine! You are done with Product and Software Component. If you see this screen then lets go back to main SLD screen as we have created the product and software component successfully. To go back to the main SLD screen click on "Home" Link on the top of the page.
Step 5: System Landscape Directory - Define Technical System
Now we need to define two Technical Systems (One for Sender and another for Receiver).
» Click on “Technical Landscape” from the SLD main page.

» When the page opens up select the “Third-Party” from the Technical System Type drop-down and press on the “New Technical System” button.
» A page will pop-up asking for details of creating a Technical System.
» Click on “Next>” button and then Fill all the values and then click on “Next>” again.
» Your next screen will ask you where is your product? Just search in the box or select it from the list and when it is listed just double click it or select it and say “Add”.
Points to be noted before pressing Finish:
- Check that your Product is listed in the “Selected Products box”
- In the Components is your Software Component is selected. It should be selected as per the figure shown below.
» Now, I think you are intelligent enough to create one more Technical System. Just go back to the SLD Main Screen – This is can be done by clicking on “Home” link on the top.
» When you reach to the SLD main screen click on Technical System again to create the Receiver Technical System. Follow the steps as per used earlier in order to create the Sender Technical system.
» Don’t forget to select correct Product and Software Component from the list displayed.
Okay we have done with the Technical Systems and now we are going to create Business Systems.

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