42) Types of Mapping?
Ans) Graphical Mapping
Java Mapping
XSLT Mapping
ABAP Mapping
43) Disadvantages of XSLT Mapping?
Ans) you cannot use Java APIs and Classes in it. There might be cases in your mapping when you will have to perform something like a properties file look up or a DB lookup, such scenarios are not possible in XSLT.
44) What is Technical System?
Ans) Technical system represents the physical system, it contains all the physical characteristics of your system for eg while creating a Technical system for your R3 system - u specify the host name, message server, OS, the clients etc.
45) What is Business System?
Ans) Business System is a logical entity, which represents logical view of your technical system. (Eg a client in R3 system can be represented as business system in SLD) For one technical system you can have multiple business systems.
46) SAP XI features?
Ans) a) for SAP and non-SAP applications.
b) For A2A and B2B Scenarios
c) For asynchronous and synchronous communication
d) For cross component Business Process Management
47) What type of destination we need for RFC Scenario and IDOC Scenario?
Ans) For RFC-RFC Destination of type TCP/IP
For idoc - rfc destination of type R/3
48) What are Advanced Java Functions in XI?
Ans) they allow to add your own functions to the message mapping
49) Where BPM will execute?
Ans) BPM will execute in the Integration Engine in the Integration Server.
50) Differences between proxies and adapters?
Ans) Proxies are interfaces, which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions. You can use proxies for systems with WAS >=6.20.
XI will communicate in native language with SAP systems via proxies. Proxies uses XML - SOAP based communication for both ABAP and Java Proxies.
Adapters will convert one format into another expected/target format. means from SAP standard formats and as well as 3rd party formats to target formats
51) Types of Usefull node functions?
Ans) removeContext, splitByValue, collapseContext, Copy value, createIf, exits, useOneAsMany
1.removeContexts- "There is absolutely no difference between my children or grand children or great grand children". Material Group is sent in the item node of the source idoc but I want it in the header node of the target idoc. So I need to fool the mapping runtime that Material Group is coming in the header node of the source. removeContext exactly does that.
2.SplitByValue- "I need a different parent for every instance of me"
I will try to explain the function with the same mapping as readers can correlate well. Each instance of Itemno in the source structure should generate a target itemNo and item under a different instance of the header node in the target. As we can observe that occurrences of item in the source an target structure are different we cannot map the elements of the item node directly. We use splitbyValue to achieve the same.
3.collapseContexts- " There is just a slight difference between my children or grand children or great grand children". Similar to removeContext but context change is replaced with "". If we need to create empty tags in the target for every context change in the source we can use it. I did not find it useful so I don't like to explain in detail.
copyValue-"How many ever times I occur I am copied just once". This is not a node function but I am explaining it as it is used very frequently in real-time.
Let us take an instance of material group, which can occur as many times as the item node. But since we are mapping it to the header in the target node I just want to copy the first occurrence of material group and map it to the header node. copyValue exactly does that.
5.createif-"I have a criteria for existing". It is used when you want to create target node or element based on some condition
52) What are the SAP XI Components?
Ans) a) Integration Builder b) Integration Server c) System Land Scape Directory, d) Runtime Work Bench.
53) What is an abstract interface?
Ans) Abstract interface is similar to other interface (outbound or inbound) but does not have direction. It can be used as either outbound or inbound. It is used only inside BPM.It is also called as hidden Interface.
54) What are the configurations done on XI, on R3, on XI's SLD, what is the protocol used for File, Content Conversion, and Serialization?
55) What kind of JDBC action was performed, DB accesed, driver installed?, Synch call and asynch call, what actions can be perfromed, datatypes for JDBC and so on ?
56) Configurations on XI, on R3, how was data sent to XI, what are the connections used, how was the IR and ID of XI configured, Synch call or asynch call, BPM or non BPM?
57) Anything related to BPM can be asked. What are the patterns, how do you implement a pattern, what are the step types,, etc?
58) Transport and Message Protocols for each of Sender/Receiver adapters. For File and JDBC adapters these protocols are different in the Sender/Receiver adapters?
59) Definition of logical system, RFC destination, port?
60) How to Monitoring of BPM?
61) What is IB?
62) What is IS, where does the IR, ID reside?
63) What does the cache hold?
64) Which adapters run on j2ee engine and which run on ABAP stack?
IDOC and HTTP adpter run on ABAP stack.....rest on Java stack
65) Sender / Receiver Agreement-- Why doesnt IDOC and HTTP have a sender agreement?
As they run on ABAP stack.....
66) How do you test an Alert?
run a report RSALERTTEST
67) Alerts in a BPM?
68) What is the difference between the monitoring done on the RunTimeWorkBench and the one done using SXMB_MONI?
SXMB_MONI for ABAP atck and RWB for java STACK
69) What are End-to-End Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, and Cache Montioring etc?
70) What is a Business System, Technical System, Logical System, and other questions related to the System Landscape Directory (SLD)?
71) How and what are the stacks available in XI?
ABAP and JAVA stacks
72) What is mapping trace?
Ans) This object enables you to transfer information for the mapping trace during mapping to a container that can be viewed by users in the message monitoring
73) What is the SLD used for?
Ans) Repository used for storing landscape information. Its does not provide any landscape administration tools .SLD manages software components and platform dependencies. It acts as a central information provider for NetWeaver systems and other administration tools. Facilitates Installations, upgrades and transports
74) What does SLD use to communicate with client applications?
Ans) By using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
75) What are the 2 main areas of the SLD?
Ans) The Software Catalog describes the installed products and their constituent components. The Systems Catalog describes the systems in the data center from two perspectives
76) The information from the software catalog is used by which component of the Integration Builder?
Ans) Integration Repository to organize development efforts. Software Component Version organizes all design work in the Integration Repository. This makes sense, as interfaces logically belong to a software component and to a particular version.
77) The information from the systems catalog is used which component of the Integration Builder?
Ans) Integration Directory to drive the specific configuration of Integration scenarios. Routing Relations in the Integration Directory point to the Business Systems that are maintained in the System Catalog of the SLD, and through the appropriate association, to the technical systems.
78) What information is defined in the Software Catalog?
Ans) Product: Represents a collection of all versions of a product. In an SAP environment, a product corresponds to an SAP technicalcomponent, e.g. 4.6c, 4.6d, 4.7. Software Component: Represents a collection of all versions of a software component. Examples of Software Components are SAP_APPL, SAP_ABA, SAP_HR, etc.
79) What information is defined in the System Catalog?
Ans) Technical System correlates the software to the physical host on which it is installed. Each technical System can have multiple business system associated with it. Business systems are Logical systems that function as senders and receivers in XI
80) XI Advantages over other Middleware Tools
Ans) Pre-Delivered integration content
(Def: -SAP solutions bring their integration Meta data like CRM, SRM, SCM, xRPM, etc.) As delivered with the integration repository of XI
Benefit: -
A) Out-of-the-box of integration solution
B) Simplified upgrade of SAP solutions
C) Versioning and modification management of integration of Meta data.
Openness and interoperability
(Def: -Connect to existing integration solutions) like
Through JMS messaging (e.g MQ series) and SOAP.
Use open, XML standards for integration
Incorporate existing functionality in to new process
SAP XI interview questions, sample sap xi certification papers.