SAP NetWeaver supports cross-system applications using SAP NetWeaver usage type PI. Cross-system applications based on SAP NetWeaver deliver interface descriptions, mappings, and other objects relevant to communication, together with their product. Customers must import this content (the Enterprise Services Repository content or ESR content) into the Enterprise Services Repository of SAP NetWeaver. The import is required for configuring the cross-system application in the Integration Directory.
In some cases, customers might also want to import their ESR content of a previous release of SAP NetWeaver. The following table provides an overview of the possible content imports depending on the source and target Repository.
Source Repository
Target Repository
SAP NW 2004
SAP NW 7.0
SAP NW 2004
SAP NW 7.0
For SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1, you can import ESR content from SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1, SAP NetWeaver 7.0, and SAP NetWeaver 2004. The procedure described below applies to importing ESR content based on SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 2007.
More information: Organization of ESR Content
You must have the role SAP_XI_ADMINISTRATOR or SAP_XI_CONTENT_ORGANIZER to be able to export and import ESR content.
You can find the ESR content for an SAP application in export files on SAP Service Marketplace at under Download
Support Packages and Patches
Entry by Application Group
SAP content
ESR content (XI Content)
<ESR CONTENT software component>
<ESR CONTENT software component version>
(you can find the name of the software component and the version in the master guide of your application).
For SAP NetWeaver PI basic configuration, you only need to import the content of software component SAP_BASIS.
Import the ESR content by first copying the export files provided into an import directory on the host of the Enterprise Services Builder and then importing the files into the Enterprise Services Repository. In the following steps,<systemDir> denotes the path for the system directory of the host (generally, <systemDir> corresponds to \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\global).
Obtain the export files for the ESR content of the cross-system application.
The files are stored as a ZIP file on SAP Service Marketplace (as described above). You can use the naming convention of these ZIP files to find their SPS (support package stack):
<software component version><SPS>_<patch level>
The files SCM4003_00.ZIP and SCMBASIS4003_00.ZIP refer to support package stack 03 with patch level 0 of the ESR content.
Importing ESR content with a later version does not overwrite the content that you have already imported into the Enterprise Services Repository. Support packages for ESR content always contain both previous objects and the changes and enhancements delivered in the support package.
Start the Enterprise Services Builder and call the Enterprise Services Repository.
To do this, perform the following steps:
Log on to the SAP system on which your Enterprise Services Builder has been installed.
You start the Enterprise Services Builder or the Integration Builderby means of an HTML start page. Open this start page by calling it either from your user menu or with Transaction SXMB_IFR.
Choose Enterprise Services Repository.
Copy the export files into the import directory for the Enterprise Services Repository (<systemDir>\xi\repository_server\import).
If the files are packed, you must unpack them before importing. (It is advisable to retain the ZIP files; refer also to the remarks for the last step.)
The actual export files have the extension .tpz. You must not unpack these files. The import directory is created the first time you call the Enterprise Services Builder.
Import design objects
ESR content can be imported either from a server directory or from a directory of your local PC (Client). SAP recommends that you import ESR content from the server directory.
Choose Server. You can only select files from the import directory <systemDir>\xi\repository_server\import. The sequence in which you import the export files is not important.
If version conflicts occur during the import, you can process and resolve them in the Enterprise Services Builder. In the case of corrupt export objects, you can force the import and skip objects that cannot be imported. The import is then incomplete and references to objects that are not imported are lost.
After a successful import, the Enterprise Services Builder moves the imported TPZ files into the directory <systemDir>/xi/repository_server/importedFiles. The support package of imported software component versions is displayed on the Detailstab page for the relevant software component version in the Enterprise Services Builder. If an error occurs, this information is important for support. Take one of the following precautions to retain the overview of the imported ESR content:
If the release and the support package are clear from the file name of the TPZ file, simply leave the files in the directory importedFiles (as described above).
If a file with the same file name already exists in the directory importedFiles, the Enterprise Services Builder adds the date and time of the import to the file name of the imported export file. This enables you to check which file was imported last.
After a successful import, you can keep the packed files, from whose naming convention you can derive the support package. Move them into the directory importedFiles, for example.