You import the exchange profile because it contains basic technical configuration settings of a PI landscape.
Perform the following steps:
On your Integration Server host, open the following URL:
The following naming convention applies for <AS_Java_Port>:
50000, for example, if your AS Java instance is 00
Enter the logon information:
User Name: PISUPER
Password: <pisuper_password>
The Exchange Profile page appears.
Choose Connection.
The ABAP Connectionpage appears.
Enter the required information for the PI host.
Use the logon information of user PILDUSER.
Choose Set.
The Exchange Profile page appears.
Choose Import.
The Import profile from databasepage appears.
Choose Browse and select the following file:
If you cannot run a Web browser on your PI host, you need to copy the file exchange_profile.xml from the PI host to a host where a Web browser runs.
Choose Import Data.
The profile is imported.
Since the file exchange_profile.xml contains secure information like passwords, we highly recommend that you delete the file after importing or to save it using high security standards, such as encryption.